The current industry trends suggest that major corporations, as well as mid-sized companies, are turning towards outsourcing companies with industry experience and comprehensive capabilities to get the job done. These organizations bring innovative work practices in legal processes to ensure accuracy and timely delivery of work at large. Moreover, they focus on reducing the cost of legal services. The main objective of these organizations is to help these organizations become high-performance businesses. Outsourcing legal services can save your crucial resources and time. Therefore, services offered by LPOs should be considered.
These outsourcing organizations have experience in creating great value for their customers. They use industry knowledge, domain expertise and technology capabilities while understanding the business trends to develop suitable solutions for their clients.
These organizations offer legal support services designed for both law firms and corporate legal departments. Below is a list of LPO services with specific domain expertise you can outsource now:
1. Legal Document Drafting
Legal drafting, analysis, and documentation are essential parts of any law firm’s daily work, which might be unimportant in the larger context, but still, consume an exceptional amount of time and resources. Outsourcing these tasks can result in the saving of these crucial resources.
2. Intellectual Property Services
Intellectual property can be more valuable than the physical ones. As a result, they require special attention. Researchers, developers, and other IP owners can save a lot of time by outsourcing services like IP Research, Litigation, IP Asset Management, Patent Prosecution, Patent Portfolio Management, and Patent Opinions.
3. Legal Billing
Managing legal billing can be cumbersome because there are so less time and so much work. Now forget the hassle of making invoices of your working hours by outsourcing the billing tasks to an LPO, and save precious time.
4. Legal Writing
Lawyers have workloads to finish and deadlines to serve. As a result, there might be little or no time remaining for writing legal documents like Legal pleadings, litigation documents, etc. Legal writing can be outsourced to LPOs and precious time can be saved.
5. Legal Research
Legal research is mainly comprised of two tasks, it involves analyzing facts of the case concerning established statutes firstly. It also involves finding similarities with previous cases related to the case in hand, secondly. This task can be outsourced to an LPO and precious resources can be saved.
6. Bookkeeping and Billing
Law firms of large sizes can manage their bookkeeping and billing services with ease. But, law firms that are smaller in size and are expanding, find it difficult to manage their bookkeeping and accounting services. This service can be outsourced from an LPO easily.
7. Contract Management
Managing contracts involve the following services:
- Contract discovery and checking solutions
- Summarization, redlining, drafting of Contract
- Contract abstraction, and many more.
These tasks can be very time consuming, therefore one can avail the following services using an LPO in Contract Management
8. Contract Review
Contract Review is a crucial aspect of any legal process. As a result, it involves a lot of thinking and rational analysis of a contract to measure the feasibility of the contract and analyze risks associated with it. However, you can always outsource contract reviews using the services of an LPO.
9. General Litigation Support Services
Now manage your cumbersome case management tasks like preparing, analyzing and organizing chronologies, drafting complaints, summons, pleadings, answers, etc. by outsourcing them to an LPO. That is to say, more time and resources can be saved by availing these services using an LPO.
10. E-Discovery
eDiscovery is the identification, collection, and production of electronically stored information in compliance with a request for production in a lawsuit or investigation. The electronically stored information may include emails, documents, presentations, databases, audio/video files, etc. Retrieving these can be cumbersome, therefore one can outsource eDiscovery services using an LPO.
Outsourcing legal services can be very convenient. For the above-mentioned ones and other services, you can connect with Legal Process Outsourcing – LPO experts to start outsourcing your Legal Processes. Minimize organizational workload and improve efficiency with the right LPO Service Expert in the domain. Click here to know more about Legal Process Outsourcing.