How work from home has affected Internet Speed


The turmoil created due to the outbreak of coronavirus has affected almost every strata or class of people in some or the other way. It not only shattered the economy but also has impacted every individual either physically or mentally. Though struggling to reach the condition before the pandemic, people are keeping up with it and striving to accept the living condition. In addition to it, they are trying to normalize the situation.

There was a national lockdown as a consequence of the respective occurrence and everything was at halt. All the business, companies and economies were shut. As people realized that they have no choice but to accept the situation and to live with it, they tried to ponder over the alternatives. The global pandemic has provided the new lens and perspective to see the contemporary conditions. Thus, people are finding various means and ways to keep pace with it.

How work from home affects the internet speed:

As it was palpable that the spread of virus has to be stopped and every day routine must be continued.

To decrease meeting in person and avoid having face to face conversations, internet is the best suitable alternative, therefore people swayed to online mode which resulted in online schools, colleges and work from home. Hence, there is shift to digital world because life outside is put on hold therefore all are working from home in varied forms. Each and every person who is working from home has to have the internet access with them. This also means that there would be rise in the consumption of the internet data.

The amount of burden from office space network was totally shifted and was being processed on a single cable. And collectively, many such single networks became a reason of how work from home has affected internet speed.

With millions of people across the country are the ones, who are learning and working online and using the internet, it is obvious that the internet network will result in straining of the same.

The shift from office, schools etc. to home, will show new heights of internet use and hence will have disruptions on the internet connection and its speed in a long run. Increase in work from home, gaming, streaming and video conferencing in schools and colleges all together will strain the routers at home, private networks, and even the local Internet Service Providers.

It is obvious that the data supplied through data pipelines varies for office work and for home that in office or schools there is availability of big pipes to carry the internet traffic as compared to home because of the usage and environment present at respective places.

The bandwidth which is sufficient for home is not ample for working from home. Thus it gives rise to connectivity issues, slowing down of crucial sites and even last minute unresponsiveness.

Into the bargain consumers in their home have broadband plans with the lower capacity when compared with the plans present at office. Besides the existing offices, there have been gradual rise in online business, as people in the lockdown have utilized their free time to turn their hobbies into profession and earn from same through online platforms.

Thus at the same time streaming, video callings and other online works will apparently lead to slowness and congestion. The large influx of traffic that hits the internet all at once has resulted in “Internet Rush Hour” which is how work from home has affected internet speed. Which was reduced and there was an increased latency. 

Even if the connections at home are robust, not every internet provider company will readily accept and handle a sudden surge of employees who are trying to log in to the office network from outside. Thus it is the test of companies whether or not they can handle such abrupt shift.

Typically the service providers allocate enough network capacity which can accommodate the everyday requirements of a small number of employees and consumers who work remotely, but a large-scale shift could cause trouble.

The impact of this kind of demand could lead to slowdowns and even outages at certain local level. Therefore it can be regarded that work from home is affecting the internet speed because of overuse, overcrowding and congestion.


In this regard many outages were noticed. As the internet was being used as a whole and all at the same time many online streaming platforms like Netflix reduced their services quality. This attempt was made to have a control over the world wide supply of internet.


The exhaustive use of internet can be equalized with the situation that people face at the narrow road with the huge amount of traffic where the vehicles have no option but to move slowly at the speed of 20 mph when compared with highway where people can drive with the speed of 60mph.

In a nutshell it can be stated that it is the need of an hour to work from home and there is no other suited option other than that, thus use of internet cannot be stopped.

But on the other hand it is possible to minimize the congestion that is caused affecting the internet speed. It can be done by increasing the bandwidth, asking online platforms to cooperate to decrease their video quality. Also, people who are sharing the same network must understand the urgency and must compartmentalize the use of internet.  

Along with, there can be use of mesh networks and internet speed can be upgraded. Taking into the account, the grievousness of the current situation everyone must cooperate to maintain the internet speed.